April 11, Travel Day 71, Yorktown

The top two pictures are leaving Norfolk and the large Naval Base.  We traveled 4 hours and 57 minutes to Yorktown, Riverwalk Marina.

On October 19, 1781 after a siege of nineteen days, Cornwallis the commander of the British forces at Yoktown surrendered.  This led to the end of the Revolutionary War.  The statue below was constructed 100 years later and the original figure of Liberty atop the victory shaft was severely damaged by lightening.  She was replaced in 1956 complete with a lightening rod on top of her head!  Despite this several of her fingers are missing from lightening strikes.  The town also has a wonderful Revolutionary War Museum.  We spent at least 5 hours going through the museum, theaters and continental army encampment.  It also had a Revolution-era Farms with actors in period costume going about life as if it were 1776!  It was really an interesting and enjoyable experience.  Mike was excited to watch the cannons and muzzel loader demonstrations.

Yorktown Battlefield Park is a driving tour around the actual battlefield where the 19 day siege took place.  You can see the trenches where the troops had fortifications.  The tour also includes historical areas regarding the Civil War with Union and Confederate encampments.  It has been a bit of history overload!  I added the “Patriot” to my movie list!  It really is a lot like “being in the room where it happened”.

Look who is back!!!  Chris and Laura on Miracle pulling into the marina in Yorktown! (bottom left).  We had a great dinner and visit and plan on seeing them further North.  They have visitors coming to Annapolis and we are expecting Vickie and Stan in early May and Zach and Nora in New York!!

We  sat on the dock and had wine and conversation !(bottom right, Ellen, Laura, Jody)

Lower Left: Chris and Laura

Lower Right: sunrise as we left the marina in the morning for further adventures in the Chesapeake!