Travel Day 96, June 1

We traveled 4 hours and 53 minutes from Whitehall, NY to Bulwagga Bay, Lake Champlain.  The Lake was absolutely beautiful.  Parts of the lake are over 300 foot deep!

 We passed Fort Ticonderoga  and His Majesty’s Fort at Crown Point (ruins).  Fort Ticonderoga was the first offensive victory for American forces in the Revolutionary War.  The Green Mountain Boys together with Benedict Arnold surprised and overtook the British, May 10, 1775!  

The Crown Point Fort was built by the French in 1734.  The Fort was never attacked, instead the French blew it up themselves as a large British army approached to wrestle for control of the fort.  The British rebuilt the Fort and had control to the area until the Revolutionary War.

Mike has been the leader on this leg of the journey.  Rykher and Miracle are pictured to the left.  The scenery has been breathtaking with the Adirondack Mountains in the background!

We anchored out and enjoyed the lake.  I did get to use my paddle board and Chris on Miracle was supposed to catch enough fish for our dinner!  We all had pot luck and BBQ later in the evening on Rykher.  We are delighted to have such great travel companions!