Jody’s Musing

My dear friend Mary Lou reads my blog and often asks me lots of questions about being on an extended journey.  Her latest question “How does all of this make you feel?”  What a BIG QUESTION!!!

I certainly feel an overwhelming sense of awe and amazement that I have had the privilege of actually doing this journey. Every day is a new challenge, experience, and stretching whether it be physical such as docking in difficult currents or just getting along in tight quarters!  I remind myself that I do not have to react and usually whatever bothered me is really just another’s way of being, not malicious, just different.  I have had a real sense of living in the present moment, taking in what is and letting go of things beyond my control.  It is a real lesson to know that boundary setting is not apathy.

We have traveled through some extremely beautiful countryside. It feels peaceful and right.  I fill up with the serenity.  The journey has been a healing experience from the stress and pressure of the daily grind in an ever-changing environment.  It is humbling to know that no matter how hard you worked at building something it is ok to turn the torch over to fresh eyes and new ways of seeing things.  In the end we all want what is best for everyone.

The division of the country in terms of political views and wealth gap has been palpable, like it or not!  It is interesting to hear each other’s views and listen.  We are all on the way and our only super power is to  be kind to one another.

We have seen the beauty of so many places and experienced the kindness of so many people!  This has been the recurring theme of our experiences!  Side by side with that we have seen the vulnerable and homeless on the city streets.  This morning one of our boating partners had an electric bike stolen off of their boat deck.  Katya actually grabbed the young man by the coat but he escaped with the bike.  It is very scary to be so close to those on the edge.  Life is full of Both/And experiences.  We are all vulnerable and “but by the grace of God,  we are on the boat and not on the street.”  The journey has produced many more questions than answers!

I have really missed my family and friends and have been delighted to see so many along the way and to be able to keep up with the blog and phone, especially Face Time with the grand babies!!  Home feels solid be it here or there.  Mike is always steady so that helps.

Mike and I have made so many new friends and have traveled for extensive periods with several.  It is amazing how the common journey is such a precursor for close friendships to develop!  Mike and I have really bonded with Chris and Laura from Miracle, Swen and Katya from Rykher, Susan And Theresa from Masquerade, John and Ellen from Salaud and Mitch and Ann from No Rush.  All of these folks and so many others have been part of the adventure, be it problem solving or just having fun together!!

So, In summary, I feel blessed, humbled, stronger and more centered.  I appreciate all that has been given to me.  On the journey…..

Love Jody

1 thought on “Jody’s Musing”

  1. Wow. I love your musings and life events! The family pictures are so sweet and your baby dog will be so glad to see you!! Proud of all you are doing. Can’t wait to visit when you are home from this adventure. I wondered if you got tired of being on the boat. Take care friends!

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