We left Little Current town docks early in the morning and went to the town of Kagawong. This is a popular spot for stopping to see the Bridal Falls and sculpture park. After a nice hike to the falls we continued on our journey with plans to anchor at The Benjamin Islands. This anchorage has unsurpassed views. A startling pink granite can be seen amid the gray limestone, set off by the emerald green pines, making the four major islands of the group famous for their spectacular scenery. We pulled into the anchorage and were greeted by a bout 40 other boats with the same plans! We did try to secure our anchor on the outskirts of the crowded bay but the anchor kept dragging due to the granite bottom. We reluctantly moved on to another anchorage called Eagle Island. We were one of five boats anchored there for a quit night surrounded by rolling wooded hills…still no bear sighting!
Love these!!