Mike and Jody Uding
This blog is geared at keeping our family and friends and my “patients,” most of whom I consider family and friends, informed of our where about while we traverse America’s Great Loop.
Most of you, of course, know us. Mike and I have been married for 29 years. We have 2 adult sons, Scott and Zachary, both married to great girls, Ann and Angela. We have 1 granddaughter, Nora Jo and are anticipating twins in 2023!
Mike has been interested in doing the Great loop for years. He has read multiple Great Loop books, studied navigation and is certified as skipper with ASA. Together we learned to sail our 34 foot Hunter on Kentucky Lake. We sold the sail boat to help purchase our current loop boat. Mike is a real adventurer with an abundance of hobbies including scuba, private pilot, home built plane builder, canoe builder, and wood turning. Mike has an artistic flare and is a knowledge seeker. My friends call him my Renaissance Man. He has spent countless hours on his iPad studying navigation and boat maintenance…. That kind of enthusiasm is contagious.
So here I am. I love a good adventure and have been blessed with a group of friends who love to ride horses and trail ride all over the country. Together we have had great travels and lots of stories.
Mike has stretched my sense of adventure and wanderlust with his hobbies and interests. Together we have gone on many scuba trips, sharks and all. We flew our Piper 180 cross country from Perryville, MO. to Walla Walla WA. to visit our Nora Jo. “Distance means so little when someone means so much. ” -Keepquotes.com
We have traveled west to experience the Utah National Parks in our tear drop camper. All of the adventures have been a prelude to this current journey which we are expeditiously preparing for. This includes things like closing the house, yard care, field care, mail, learning technology! Our son Scott and daughter-in-law Ann have been great help with iPads, Macbook, passwords and helping organize for small spaces.
My two horses Gracie and Sophie were accepted with Hope Equestrian and are now therapy horses! They both seem to love the attention and have adapted nicely.
Hank, our 108 lb sweet yellow lab, lollygagged across the country on my lap or Mike’s knee to get to Walla Walla, WA. Our son Zach, daughter-in-law Angela, and grandchild Nora Jo graciously offered to keep him while we are on our trip.

My work and practice as a FNP in Ste Genevieve was paramount on my list in terms of preparing for this leave. I have been blessed with a wonderful NP partner, Rob Bonhert, and newly arrived Family Practice Physician, Dr. John. Both are wonderful providers and will absorb the care of patients that I have been privileged to attend. Ste. Genevieve Hospital administration has generously allowed me to take a leave of absence for this journey. So now, as the part of my brain clogged with medical terms and pharmacologic interactions rests, new knowledge seeps in ! I’m hoping to learn navigation markers, anticipating time to read novels, strum my “6 ” string, refresh American history as we travel through this country, soul search and just maybe gain insight and wisdom !
Oliver Wendell Holmes said “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” I will plan on updating the blog weekly! Hope you come along “Full steam ahead”
PS: Special thanks to Steph Gremminger the blog master and Angela for helping me acclimate to new technology!