April 19, Travel Day 76, Mt. Vernon

We left Capital Yacht club and headed East on the Potomac.  We planned a stop at Mount Vernon.  We traveled 4 hours and 56 minutes with a 3 hour stop at Mount Vernon before heading to our anchorage at Mattawoman Creek.  Mount Vernon was George Washington’s home for 45 years.  The Mansion is furnished and decorated to look as it did in 1799, the year he died.  Washington was 67 years old when he died.  He developed a fever and sore throat after working out in his fields,  and is believed to have died of epiglottitis!

In September, 1796, Washington released his Farewell Address, announcing that he was not going to seek a third term.  The document was an open letter to the American people, describing his deep affection for the nation he served. 

It also featured wise words of caution and advice.  He warned against the divisive effects of party politics, urged unity at home and neutrality abroad, and wished the country well as it prepared to move on without him.

He lived 2 years after his term and spent his time with his beloved wife and family.  He especially liked riding horses and his 2 favorites were Nelson and Blueskin!


We anchored out, Mike grilled burgers and I used my paddle board.  It was a calm and peaceful evening and we even had a visit from and eagle!