We traveled 27.9 NM or 3 hours and 59 minutes from Michigan City to Hammond Indiana. We planned to stay at the Hammond Marina until the locks below Joliet are re-opened for pleasure craft to travel down the Illinois river. The Great Loop Cruisers Association worked closely with the Corp of Engineers and the Commercial Traffic Group. There were over 300 loopers planning to go south on the river. The Corp was willing to let 16 pleasure craft go through daily. The AGLCA divided us into flotilla groups. We are in Flotilla 2 and Mike is the Flotilla Captain. When we arrived at Hammond fellow loopers Bill and Deb from “Still the One ” greeted us and helped with our lines.
MaryLou graciously drove from St. Louis and picked us up from Hammond, we went home for a few days and then flew out to Walla Walla to see our grandchildren!