Travel Day 92, May 24, Albany Yacht Club

New York State Museum, Albany New York

We traveled 6 hours and 59 minutes or 47.2 NM to reach Albany Yacht Club o the Hutson River.  We were a short Uber ride from downtown Albany and we went to see the sights, including the New York State Museum, The State Capitol Building and the Plaza.  There NY State Museum was fantastic with exhibits from the Ice Ages to present time.  The 9/11 exhibit was bone chilling.  A lot of the debris and charred girders were there and video testimonials.  The fire engine below had only one survivor.  It was intensely emotional to realize the bravery and selflessness of the first responders and firefighters.

Lot’s of impressive women who were from the state of New York!  Ruth Bader Ginsberg Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton and Gloria Steinem to name a few!  I like RBG quote, “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.  It shouldn’t be that women are the exception.”

123 Sesame Street!  Filmed in New York City!

Oscar and Big Bird!


The museum had a section for Broadway musicals and Radio City Music  Hall.  I don’t think of NYC without humming “New York, New York”.

Displays for natural history included Ice Age Mammoths, New York Birds and lots of wild life.  

Mary Lou and Mike, waiting  for our Uber outside of the Hill Street Cafe!